Harvest Time and Timing
October 18, 2019
In Luke 9:51-10:12, Jesus exhorts us to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. The Lord sends the laborers. He speaks to the potential laborer and gives him the call for his special field. Our part daily is to pray for laborers for the harvest.
Harvesting anything requires time and timing. You have to know what you've planted and then take care to watch after it until it is time to harvest the fruit of your labor. The Lord has planted the seed of the Word in our lives for it to grow in us but also have an affect on the people around us. When the time is right, as we have witnessed to people of Him, we are to labor and bring in that harvest!
The fields (the job, school,business,your neighborhood) are truly ready for harvesting. Today ask the Lord what field is ready to be worked on. I believe we all have our fields. Your field may be in your neighborhood or in your own family.
Pray for the harvest, and I believe you also will receive your own call as a laborer in that field God has chosen for you.
Pray this, "Lord, I know there are works you have designed especially for me from the foundation of the earth. Help me not miss out on any of these good works. I want to always be in the right place at the right time so the fields you have chosen for me will always be fruitful and provide a great harvest. Amen"
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